Hypnosis as a Tool Set to Build Better Reality Boxes

Ingo Swann talks about Reality Boxes often. He’s written a whole book on it! The basic idea is that we all have our own way of viewing our internal and external experiences. This way of viewing is through our build up of concepts, perspectives or Reality Boxes. I like the term Reality Box because itContinue reading “Hypnosis as a Tool Set to Build Better Reality Boxes”

A Little Laughter Goes A Long Way

The world gets wackier by the day. It’s difficult to keep the mind calm and our vision steady. I find a little laughter can help recalibrate ourselves back to a baseline more beneficial to seize the moment, take a break and remind our body to breathe deep. To that end I wanted to share aContinue reading “A Little Laughter Goes A Long Way”

We’re Back with a New Episode! Mist3rDouglas Dives into the work of Ingo Swann and his book “Everybody’s Guide to Natural ESP”

Together we shall begin to continue “Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of your Mind” We’re all psychic. The dude who helped shape and form what ultimately became the US government program for psychic spies, says so and he would know. Ingo Swann has put together quite the pile of research, how to’s and story times ofContinue reading “We’re Back with a New Episode! Mist3rDouglas Dives into the work of Ingo Swann and his book “Everybody’s Guide to Natural ESP””

I Was Handed A Banana

(It works. The power is there. For me, there was definitely a participation requirement.) In the 10th episode of my podcast I narrate and commentate on the 6th chapter of Joseph Murphy‘s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. This particular episode has a lot of “how to-ing”. One method in particular caught my attention. TheContinue reading “I Was Handed A Banana”

Psycho-cybernetics…that book I mentioned in the podcast..with the quote…it’s cool check it out.

Maxwell Maltz was a pretty insightful dude. He started as a plastic surgeon and witnessed some interesting and persistent outcomes post surgery in peoples lives. He noticed that patients would come in complaining about how this mole or that scar was inhibiting them from living their fullest life, and if they just had it removedContinue reading “Psycho-cybernetics…that book I mentioned in the podcast..with the quote…it’s cool check it out.”

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind…its…its pretty powerful.

Joseph Murphy knew what was up. This guy, who ended up blazing a trail in the new thought movement and beyond, started as a jesuit, witnessed a miraculous healing and asked the jesuits about it and they said “wedunno” so Mr. Murphy peaced out to India, learned up under a guru, came to the StatesContinue reading “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind…its…its pretty powerful.”

Good Vibrations

My podcast is up! The purpose of me coming in through clear via ear ways is to provide my preferred way of sensory stimulation an outlet of story telling and discussion. Currently there are two tracks of progression for the podcast. I’ll be narrating and commentating on Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious MindContinue reading “Good Vibrations”